Section: Software

Grid Observatory

Participants : Cécile Germain [correspondent] , Julien Nauroy, Michèle Sebag.

Autonomic Computing, Green Computing The Grid Observatory software suite collects and publishes traces of the EGI (European Grid Initiative) grid usage. With the release and extensions of its portal, the Grid Observatory has made a database of grid usage traces available to the wider computer science community. These data are stored on the grid, and made accessible through a web portal without the need of grid credentials. More than 140 users are currently registered. The GO is supported by an Inria ADT (Action de Développement Technologique).

The Green Computing Observatory (GCO), part of the GO initiative monitors a large computing center (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire - LAL) within the EGI grid, and publishes the data through the Grid Observatory. A tool has been made available to provide interactive visualization of the site activity (load, power usage and more) at the global and individual level. The GCO is supported by the CNRS PEPS program, and by University Paris-Sud through the MRM (Moyens de Recherche Mutualisés) program. The first barrier to improved energy efficiency is the the lack of overall data collection on the energy consumption of individual components of data centers. The Green Computing Observatory collects monitoring data on energy consumption of a large computing center, and publishes them through the Grid Observatory portal. These data include the detailed monitoring of the processors and motherboards, as well as global site information, such as overall consumption and external temperature, as global optimization is a promising way of research. A second barrier is making the collected data usable. The difficulty is to make the data readily consistent and complete, as well as understandable for further exploitation. For this purpose, the GCO opts for an ontological approach in order to rigorously define the semantics of the data (what is measured) and the context of their production (how are they acquired and/or calculated). The first achievements of these developments have been described in [40] ,and presented at the ICT-COST meeting and GreenDays@Lyon.

Link: http://grid-observatory.org